Exclusive Collection

Welcome to the “EXCLUSIVE NATURESFACE ART” collection.
The Fine Art images in this collection are very unique and rare.


Exclusive Artwork (limited edition of 2)

Your Exclusive Original Fine Art Print is one of two prints available. The artist reserves the right to keep one for himself. Comes complete with certificate of authenticity and the guarantee that it will never be released again in that medium. This option guarantees that there will be only two “Limited Edition Prints” of the artwork available. A very exclusive offer for people who love and collect fine art. A great investment opportunity and invitation to acquire a piece of artwork which no one else will have other than the artist.

Your exclusive limited edition comes with a registered certificate of authenticity, signed, numbered, dated and embossed. These exclusive editions are released in very, very limited editions.

Please contact me if you are interested & if you would like to be notified when a new artwork is created.The image below was created in February 2013 and is called Circle-Rock of the Ages. It measures 2.4metres x 50cm (95inch x 20inch) and is printed on Archival canvas stretched over frame.

Circle Rock of Ages