Fire Seeds 2004

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This collection was created during 2004 while living in Adelaide, however due to a housefire the series of completed images were never exhibited and no longer exist. It is interesting to think that the only image that survived was one of  the seed horse above. In an ironic twist many of these seeds in the seed horse image need fire to germinate. A couple of weeks prior to the house fire I had purchased an antique  wooden tribal mast in an auction. It was a spirit mask from the ivory coast of Africa and was rather authentic. A neglected candle might have also played a part in the fire. Although the fire was put out most of the images were stored on discs which became a solid piece of melted plastic. I probably owe my mum Zelma and Jim in Adelaide a new house. Shortly after I moved to Northcote in Melbourne, met Natasha and started on a new series of work.